Celtic Studies & Irish Language

Irish Language & Classes Archives

Deireadh Seachtaine Gaeltachta 2017

Deireadh Seachtaine Gaeltachta 2017 will be held at the United Irish Cultural Center Sep. 22-24, 2017, hosted by Nikki Ragsdale. From no-Irish-at-all classes [Level 1] to fluent speakers [Level 4], all four levels of classes will be challenging and fun.
Speakers and teachers from Ireland are among the very best in the world.
Accommodation at nearby Ocean Park Motel
For more information, call 415.299.0850

Irish Language Classes at the UICC


Comhaltas sponsors Irish Language Classes at the United Irish Cultural Center in San Francisco on Saturdays starting at 10.30 am. The classes are for 8 weeks. There is a beginners class from 10:30am to noon and an intermediate class from noon to 1:30pm. Pre registration and payment in full is required. The cost of the 8 week class is $120 for non Comhaltas Members and $100 for current paid up members of Comhaltas.Please contact Josephine Brogan if you are interested in joining one of these 8 week sessions.


Did you know?

AXD4DFRead the New Yorker piece about Máirtín Ó Cadhain’s Irish language début novel, “Cré na Cille” from the 1940s. “The Irish Novel That’s So Good People Were Scared to Translate It” …read more here


Irish Language

Irish Language Immersion Weekend • September 22-24


The 19th Irish Language Immersion Weekend, Deireadh Seachtaine Gaeltachta, takes place in San Francisco on September 22–24, 2017.

Four levels, intensive tutorials that focus on spoken language and increasing fluency taught by top caliber native Irish speaking teachers.

Special Saturday workshops take place during the last class period of the day, providing a relaxing, entertaining and different way to enjoy learning Irish. Meals and snacks provided, and sessions take place each evening with Irish music, songs, poetry, stories – and some dancing.

Class Levels

Level 1⁄ Leibhéal 1 (no Irish, or a smidgin), for absolute beginners, and those who may have made a start already, but are still learning beginner basics.

Level 2⁄ Leibhéal 2 (lag), for intermediate learners, who’ve studied Irish enough to know the basics reasonably well, can participate in a very simple communications, and want to increase their skills.

Level 3⁄ Leibhéal 3 (sásúil), for higher intermediate students who may understand or read a good bit of Irish, yet lack practice with hearing or speaking Irish, and seek confidence to make the leap into more conversation.

Level 4⁄ Leibhéal 4 (maith) do dhaoine ar mhaith leo snas a chur ar a gcuid Gaeilge. Déanfar staidéar ar fhoclóir nua-aimseartha, saibhreas na teanga, litríocht, filíocht, béaloideas agus an saol chomh-aimseartha.

Beidh Ray Mac Mánais againn mar múinteoir arís!

Classes take place at the United Irish Cultural Center (UICC) in San Francisco. Email Seán Séamus Larkin  for more

Bay Area Irish Language Courses and Classes

Comhaltas holds Irish Language programs at the United Irish Cultural Center throughout the year. Contact Josephine Brogan (415-681-4803) for details of upcoming classes, and to register.


Take it easy and learn Irish!

For information on upcoming classes, contact Imelda White at (650) 964-7643 or by email, or Comhaltas’s Josephine Brogan at (415) 681-4803 or by email.

Irish Language Classes and Practice Groups

North Bay, Santa Rosa, Petaluma
Kathleen Cipolla – study, practice, conversation groups or beginning instruction. email for more information.
San Francisco, Millbrae
Hida Kissane – study, practice groups. email for more information.
South Bay
Imelda White – instruction, tutoring  multi level email for more information.